{'Description':'A list of file system volumes for which to scan and compute fresh data deduplication savings information. Volumes can be specified by drive letter (for example, D:) or volume GUID path. A volume GUID path is a string of the form '\\?\Volume{GUID}\' where GUID is a GUID that identifies the volume.','In':True}
{'Description':'Array of references to the updated deduplication status objects.','EmbeddedInstance':'MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus','Out':True}
'Scans the specified volumes to compute fresh data deduplication savings information and returns deduplication status objects containing fresh metadata, not cached.'
Update method is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 11 namespaces
Detailed description of MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus properties
Local properties (22) of MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus class
'The number of optimized files on the volume. Note that this number will remain steady (instead of decrease) as users delete files from, or add files to, the volume-until you run a garbage collection job. This count is most accurate after a garbage collection job runs'
'The ratio of deduplication saved space to the logical size of all optimized files on the volume, expressed as a percentage. Note that this number will remain steady as users delete files from, or add new files to, the volume-until you run an optimization job or execute the Update method of the MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus class. This number is most accurate after an optimization job runs or the Update method is executed.'
OptimizedFilesSavingsRate property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces
'The total logical size of all optimized files on the volume, in bytes. Note that this number will remain steady as users delete optimized files from the volume-until you run an optimization job or execute the Update method of the MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus class. This number is most accurate after an optimization job runs or the Update method is executed.'
OptimizedFilesSize property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces
'Saved space is the difference between the logical size of the optimized files and the logical size of the store (the deduplicated user data plus deduplication metadata). Note that this number will remain steady as users delete files from, or add new files to, the volume-until you run an optimization job or execute the Update method. This number is most accurate after an optimization job runs or the Update method is executed.'
'The ratio of deduplication saved space to the logical size of all of the files on the volume, expressed as a percentage. Note that this number will remain steady as users delete files from, or add new files to, the volume-until you run an optimization job or execute the Update method of the MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus class. This number is most accurate after an optimization job runs or the Update method is executed.'
'The total logical size of all files on the volume, in bytes. This includes all files, optimized and non-optimized. Note that this number will remain steady as users delete optimized files from the volume-until you run an optimization job or execute the Update method of the MSFT_DedupVolumeStatus class. This number is most accurate after an optimization job runs or the Update method is executed.'