MSFT_DedupJob, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication

Class | Methods (2) | Properties (15) | Qualifiers (5) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Represents a currently active data deduplication job.

MSFT_DedupJob methods

MSFT_DedupJob has 2 methods (2 Local)

StartMSFT_DedupJobuint32 {'out':True}
StopMSFT_DedupJobuint32 {'out':True}

MSFT_DedupJob properties

MSFT_DedupJob has 15 properties (15 Local)

FullMSFT_DedupJob11 [boolean]
MSFT_DedupJob8 [string]
InputOutputThrottleLevelMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
MemoryMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
PriorityMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
ProcessIdMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
ProgressMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
ReadOnlyMSFT_DedupJob11 [boolean]
ScheduleTypeMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
StartTimeMSFT_DedupJob101 [datetime]
StateMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
StopWhenSystemBusyMSFT_DedupJob11 [boolean]
TypeMSFT_DedupJob19 [uint32]
VolumeMSFT_DedupJob8 [string]
VolumeIdMSFT_DedupJob8 [string]

Detailed description of MSFT_DedupJob methods

Local methods (2) of MSFT_DedupJob class

Start method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Volumestring0-{'Description':'A list of file system volumes for which to manually queue data deduplication jobs of the named type. Volumes can be specified by drive letter (for example, D:) or volume GUID path. A volume GUID path is a string of the form '\\?\Volume{GUID}\' where GUID is a GUID that identifies the volume.','In':True}
Typeuint321-{'Description':'The type of data deduplication job.','In':True,'ValueMap':['1', '2', '3', '4'],'Values':['Optimization', 'GarbageCollection', 'Scrubbing', 'Unoptimization']}
Priorityuint322-{'Description':'Sets the CPU and I/O priority for the optimization job run by this schedule. For jobs that are scheduled to run when the StopWhenSystemBusy parameter is set to FALSE, setting this parameter to Low may make sense. For most other optimization jobs, setting this parameter to Normal will be the most efficient.','In':True,'ValueMap':['1', '2', '3'],'Values':['Low', 'Normal', 'High']}
Memoryuint323-{'Description':'Specifies the maximum percentage of physical machine memory that can be consumed by this job. For optimization jobs, a range from 15-50 is suggested-with lower memory consumption for jobs that are scheduled to run when the StopWhenSystemBusy parameter is set to FALSE. For garbage collection and scrubbing jobs, which are typically run at off hours, a higher memory consumption can be safely specified-for example, 50.','In':True}
InputOutputThrottleLeveluint324-{'Description':'Amount of IO throttling the dedup job will provide to ensure it does not interfere with other IO heavy processes.','In':True,'ValueMap':['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],'Values':['None', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Maximum']}
StopWhenSystemBusyboolean5-{'Description':'Specifies whether the job should cease to run when the system is busy and retry later. If the schedule is for high priority jobs, then set this parameter to FALSE.','In':True}
Preemptboolean6-{'Description':'Indicates that you want to move this job to the top of the job queue and cancel the current job, if one is running on the specified volumes. This parameter applies to manual jobs only and is ignored for scheduled jobs. Even after canceling the current job, if there is not enough memory to run the preempting job, it will not run.','In':True}
Waitboolean7-{'Description':'Specifies that the method should wait for the job to complete and provide progress information to the client.','In':True}
Fullboolean8-{'Description':'This parameter only applies to scrubbing and garbage collection jobs. Jobs run in full mode will process and report on found corruptions but will not take any repair actions.','In':True}
ReadOnlyboolean9-{'Description':'This parameter only applies to scrubbing jobs. Scrubbing jobs run in read-only mode will process and report on found corruptions but will not take any repair actions.','In':True}
Timestampdatetime10-{'Description':'This parameter only applies to unoptimization jobs. Only deduplicated files that have been optimized or reoptimized since the specified time will be unoptimized.','In':True}
DedupJobobject:MSFT_DedupJob11-{'Description':'Array of references to the started jobs.','EmbeddedInstance':'MSFT_DedupJob','Out':True}
Description'Queues a new data deduplication job of the specified type for the specified volumes.'
Start method is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 13 namespaces
Stop method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Description'Cancels the data deduplication job.'
Stop method is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupJob) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 11 namespaces

Detailed description of MSFT_DedupJob properties

Local properties (15) of MSFT_DedupJob class

Full property
Description'Specifies whether the job should run in a more thorough and resource intensive mode. This parameter only applies to scrubbing and garbage collection jobs.'
Full property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces
Id property
Description'A string that uniquely identifies the job.'
Id property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupJob) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 33 namespaces
InputOutputThrottleLevel property
Description'Amount of IO throttling the dedup job will provide to ensure it does not interfere with other IO heavy processes.'
ValueMap['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
Values['None', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Maximum']
InputOutputThrottleLevel property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces
Memory property
Description'Specifies the maximum percentage of physical machine memory that can be consumed by this job. For optimization jobs, a range from 15-50 is suggested-with lower memory consumption for jobs that are scheduled to run when the StopWhenSystemBusy property is set to FALSE. For garbage collection and scrubbing jobs, which are typically run at off hours, a higher memory consumption can be safely specified?for example, 50.'
Memory property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 6 namespaces
Priority property
Description'The CPU and I/O priority for the deduplication job. For jobs that are scheduled to run when the StopWhenSystemBusy property is set to FALSE, setting this property to Low may make sense. For most other optimization jobs, setting this property to Normal will be the most efficient.'
ValueMap['1', '2', '3']
Values['Low', 'Normal', 'High']
Priority property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 31 namespaces
ProcessId property
Description'Process ID of the process in which the deduplication job is running.'
ProcessId property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupJob) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 18 namespaces
Progress property
Description'The percentage of the job that is complete so far'
Progress property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupJob) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces
ReadOnly property
Description'Specifies whether the job should run in read only mode. This parameter only applies to scrubbing jobs.'
ReadOnly property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 9 namespaces
ScheduleType property
Description'Manual jobs are given priority over scheduled jobs.'
ValueMap['1', '2']
Values['Scheduled', 'Manual']
ScheduleType property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupJob) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces
StartTime property
Description'Specifies a time to start this job. By default, this property is set to 1:45am. Type the date in a format that is standard for the system locale, such as dd-MM-yyyy (German [Germany]) or MM/dd/yyyy (English [United States]).'
StartTime property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupJob) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 24 namespaces
State property
Description'The execution state of the job.'
ValueMap['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']
Values['Queued', 'Initializing', 'Running', 'Completed', 'PendingCancel', 'Canceled', 'Failed']
State property is in 1 class (MSFT_DedupJob) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 36 namespaces
StopWhenSystemBusy property
Description'Specifies whether the job should cease to run when the system is busy.'
StopWhenSystemBusy property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces
Type property
Description'The type of data deduplication job.'
ValueMap['1', '2', '3', '4']
Values['Optimization', 'GarbageCollection', 'Scrubbing', 'Unoptimization']
Type property is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 142 namespaces
Volume property
Description'A drive letter (for example, D:) or volume GUID path for the volume. A volume GUID path is a string of the form '\\?\Volume{GUID}\' where GUID is a GUID that identifies the volume.'
Volume property is in 5 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 10 namespaces
VolumeId property
Description'A volume GUID path for the volume.'
VolumeId property is in 5 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Deduplication and in 2 namespaces

MSFT_DedupJob Qualifiers

Description'Represents a currently active data deduplication job.'

MSFT_DedupJob System properties


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