RootDSE, ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409

Class | Methods | Properties (17) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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This is the class used to model the LDAP RootDSE object

RootDSE properties

RootDSE has 17 properties (17 Local)

configurationNamingContextRootDSE8 [string]
currentTimeRootDSE8 [string]
defaultNamingContextRootDSE8 [string]
dnsHostNameRootDSE8 [string]
dsServiceNameRootDSE8 [string]
highestCommittedUSNRootDSE8 [string]
LDAPServiceNameRootDSE8 [string]
namingContextsRootDSE8 [string]
rootDomainNamingContextRootDSE8 [string]
schemaNamingContextRootDSE8 [string]
serverNameRootDSE8 [string]
subschemaSubentryRootDSE8 [string]
supportedCapabilitiesRootDSE8 [string]
supportedControlRootDSE8 [string]
supportedLDAPPoliciesRootDSE8 [string]
supportedLDAPVersionRootDSE8 [string]
supportedSASLMechanismsRootDSE8 [string]

Detailed description of RootDSE properties

Local properties (17) of RootDSE class

configurationNamingContext property
Description'Distinguished name for the configuration container'
ConfigurationNamingContext property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
currentTime property
Description'Current time set on this directory server'
CurrentTime property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
defaultNamingContext property
Description'The distinguished name for the domain of which this directory server is a member'
DefaultNamingContext property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
dnsHostName property
Description'DNS address for this directory server'
DnsHostName property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
dsServiceName property
Description'The distinguished name of the NTDS settings object for this directory server'
DsServiceName property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
highestCommittedUSN property
Description'Highest USN used on this directory server. Used by directory replication'
HighestCommittedUSN property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
LDAPServiceName property
Description'Service Principal Name (SPN) for the LDAP server. Used for mutual authentication'
LDAPServiceName property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
namingContexts property
Description'DISTINGUISHED NAMEs for all naming contexts stored on this directory server. By default, a Windows 2000 domain controller contains at least three namespaces: Schema, Configuration, and one for the domain of which the server is a member'
NamingContexts property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
rootDomainNamingContext property
Description'Distinguished name for the first domain in the forest that contains the domain of which this directory server is a member'
RootDomainNamingContext property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
schemaNamingContext property
Description'Distinguished name for the schema container'
SchemaNamingContext property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
serverName property
Description'Distinguished name for the server object for this directory server in the configuration container'
ServerName property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 23 namespaces
subschemaSubentry property
Description'Distinguished name for the subSchema object. The subschemaSubentry property and subschema are defined in LDAP 3.0 (see RFC 2251).'
SubschemaSubentry property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
supportedCapabilities property
Description'The OBJECT IDENTIFIERs (OIDs) identifying the supported capabilities of the server'
SupportedCapabilities property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
supportedControl property
Description'OIDs for extension controls supported by this directory server'
SupportedControl property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
supportedLDAPPolicies property
Description'Supported LDAP management policies.'
SupportedLDAPPolicies property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
supportedLDAPVersion property
Description'LDAP versions (specified by major version number) supported by this directory server'
SupportedLDAPVersion property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
supportedSASLMechanisms property
Description'Security mechanisms supported for SASL negotiation (see LDAP RFCs). By default, GSSAPI is supported'
SupportedSASLMechanisms property is in 1 class (RootDSE) of ROOT\directory\LDAP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

RootDSE Qualifiers

Description'This is the class used to model the LDAP RootDSE object'

RootDSE System properties

online utility - toplist