MSFT_CliAlias, ROOT\Cli\MS_409

Class | Methods | Properties (8) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Instances of the CliAlias class represent aliases. These are used by the WMI command utility as a mechanism for restructuring the capabilities provided by the WMI schema. The restructuring is done by roles. The roles are represented by namespaces. CliAlias instances are organized into role oriented namespaces in such a way that the aliases required by a specific operational role will all be found together. For example all the printer management aliases will be found in the \\.\root\ops\printer namespace. Each alias consists of a list of Formats and verbs. The formats provide various display strategies for the Alias (for example FULL or BRIEF). The verbs represent behavior that is available through the Alias (for example RESET in the context of a printer). Each format consists of a list of properties. The Alias itself is related to the schema through the Target property that contains a WQL query or a valid path (which may be just a class name) that defines the instance or set of instances the alias applies to.

MSFT_CliAlias properties

MSFT_CliAlias has 8 properties (8 Local)

ConnectionMSFT_CliAlias13 [object:MSFT_CliConnection]
DescriptionMSFT_CliAlias8 [String]
FormatsMSFT_CliAlias13 [object:MSFT_CliFormat]
PWhereMSFT_CliAlias8 [STRING]
QualifiersMSFT_CliAlias13 [object:MSFT_CliQualifier]
TargetMSFT_CliAlias8 [STRING]
VerbsMSFT_CliAlias13 [object:MSFT_CliVerb]

Detailed description of MSFT_CliAlias properties

Local properties (8) of MSFT_CliAlias class

Connection property
Description'The Connection object defines parameters required when connecting to WMI'
Connection property is in 1 class (MSFT_CliAlias) of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
Description property
Description'The Description property provides a description of the alias'
Description property is in 6 classes of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
Formats property
Description'The elements of the Formats array define lists of properties to be shown for this alias. This is a list of lists indexed by the format name (for example FULL, BRIEF, INSTANCE or a user defined qualifier).'
Formats property is in 1 class (MSFT_CliAlias) of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
FriendlyName property
Description'The FriendlyName string provides the name for the alias. The name will be unique in the context of the namespace in which the alias is defined. Note CLASS, QUERY, PATH and RESTORE cannot be used as alias names as they appear in the same location in the syntax.'
FriendlyName property is in 1 class (MSFT_CliAlias) of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 22 namespaces
PWhere property
Description'The PWhere property defines a from/where clause (i.e. a WQL query without the Select clause). The query string may contain substitution parameters (tokens preceded by a '#' mark) indicating where values may be substituted into the query string. The parameter values are taken from the tokens immediately after the alias if the token cannot be resolved to a switch or verb - this allows for example a command such as 'w KillProcess 154' where the PWhere value for the KillProcess alias would be 'From Win32_process Where ProcessId = #ProcId''
PWhere property is in 1 class (MSFT_CliAlias) of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Qualifiers property
Description'The qualifiers applicable to this Alias'
Qualifiers property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Target property
Description'The Target string defines the object to be operated on through the Alias. The string may be a simple class name or a WQL query. If the Target property is empty only verbs based on commandline utilities may be used by the alias'
Target property is in 1 class (MSFT_CliAlias) of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces
Verbs property
Description'The Verbs array is the list of verbs supported for this alias.'
Verbs property is in 1 class (MSFT_CliAlias) of ROOT\Cli\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces

MSFT_CliAlias Qualifiers

Description'Instances of the CliAlias class represent aliases. These are used by the WMI command utility as a mechanism for restructuring the capabilities provided by the WMI schema. The restructuring is done by roles. The roles are represented by namespaces. CliAlias instances are organized into role oriented namespaces in such a way that the aliases required by a specific operational role will all be found together. For example all the printer management aliases will be found in the \\.\root\ops\printer namespace. Each alias consists of a list of Formats and verbs. The formats provide various display strategies for the Alias (for example FULL or BRIEF). The verbs represent behavior that is available through the Alias (for example RESET in the context of a printer). Each format consists of a list of properties. The Alias itself is related to the schema through the Target property that contains a WQL query or a valid path (which may be just a class name) that defines the instance or set of instances the alias applies to. '

MSFT_CliAlias System properties

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