'Context Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service. It is the sum of Thread\\Context Switches/sec for all threads running on all processors in the computer and is measured in numbers of switches. There are context switch counters on the System and Thread objects. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'File Control Bytes/sec is the overall rate at which bytes are transferred for all file system operations that are neither reads nor writes, including file system control requests and requests for information about device characteristics or status. It is measured in numbers of bytes. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'File Control Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system operations that are neither reads nor writes, such as file system control requests and requests for information about device characteristics or status. This is the inverse of System: File Data Operations/sec and is measured in number of operations perf second. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'File Data Operations/ sec is the combined rate of read and write operations on all logical disks on the computer. This is the inverse of System: File Control Operations/sec. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'File Read Bytes/sec is the overall rate at which bytes are read to satisfy file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including reads from the file system cache. It is measured in number of bytes per second. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'File Read Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache. It is measured in numbers of reads. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'File Write Bytes/sec is the overall rate at which bytes are written to satisfy file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including writes to the file system cache. It is measured in number of bytes per second. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'File Write Operations/sec is the combined rate of the file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to write to data in the file system cache. It is measured in numbers of writes. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'Floating Emulations/sec is the rate of floating emulations performed by the system. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'% Registry Quota In Use is the percentage of the Total Registry Quota Allowed that is currently being used by the system. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average.'
'Processes is the number of processes in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Each process represents the running of a program.'
'Processor Queue Length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than 10 threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent of the workload.'
'System Calls/sec is the combined rate of calls to operating system service routines by all processes running on the computer. These routines perform all of the basic scheduling and synchronization of activities on the computer, and provide access to non-graphic devices, memory management, and name space management. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.'
'System Up Time is the elapsed time (in seconds) that the computer has been running since it was last started. This counter displays the difference between the start time and the current time.'
'Threads is the number of threads in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. A thread is the basic executable entity that can execute instructions in a processor.'
'The Name property defines the label by which the statistic or metric is known. When subclassed, the property can be overridden to be a Key property. '