Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject, ROOT\CIMV2
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Description Reports the accounting and processor usage data collected by each active named Job object.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject properties Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject has 22 properties (13 Local , 9 Derived )
Detailed description of Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject properties Local properties (13) of Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject class ▲ CurrentPercentKernelModeTime propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_100NSEC_TIMER' Counter 'CurrentPercentKernelModeTime' CounterType 542180608 Description 'Current % Kernel mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code in kernel or privileged mode.' DisplayName 'Current % Kernel Mode Time' DisplayName009 'Current % Kernel Mode Time' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' CurrentPercentKernelModeTime property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ CurrentPercentProcessorTime propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_100NSEC_TIMER' Counter 'CurrentPercentProcessorTime' CounterType 542180608 Description 'Current % Processor Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code.' DisplayName 'Current % Processor Time' DisplayName009 'Current % Processor Time' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' CurrentPercentProcessorTime property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ CurrentPercentUserModeTime propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_100NSEC_TIMER' Counter 'CurrentPercentUserModeTime' CounterType 542180608 Description 'Current % User mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code in user mode.' DisplayName 'Current % User Mode Time' DisplayName009 'Current % User Mode Time' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' CurrentPercentUserModeTime property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ PagesPerSec propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER' Counter 'PagesPerSec' CounterType 272696320 Description 'Pages/Sec shows the page fault rate of all the processes in the Job object.' DisplayName 'Pages/Sec' DisplayName009 'Pages/Sec' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' PagesPerSec property is in 4 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ ProcessCountActive propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'ProcessCountActive' CounterType 65536 Description 'Process Count - Active shows the number of processes that are currently associated with the Job object.' DisplayName 'Process Count - Active' DisplayName009 'Process Count - Active' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' ProcessCountActive property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ ProcessCountTerminated propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'ProcessCountTerminated' CounterType 65536 Description 'Process Count - Terminated shows the number of processes that have been terminated because of a limit violation.' DisplayName 'Process Count - Terminated' DisplayName009 'Process Count - Terminated' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' ProcessCountTerminated property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ ProcessCountTotal propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'ProcessCountTotal' CounterType 65536 Description 'Process Count - Total shows the number of processes, both active and terminated, that are or have been associated with the Job object.' DisplayName 'Process Count - Total' DisplayName009 'Process Count - Total' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' ProcessCountTotal property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ ThisPeriodmSecKernelMode propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'ThisPeriodmSecKernelMode' CounterType 65792 Description 'This Period mSec - Kernel mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of kernel mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since a time limit on the Job was established.' DisplayName 'This Period mSec - Kernel Mode' DisplayName009 'This Period mSec - Kernel Mode' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' ThisPeriodmSecKernelMode property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ ThisPeriodmSecProcessor propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'ThisPeriodmSecProcessor' CounterType 65792 Description 'This Period mSec - Processor shows the time, in milliseconds, of processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since a time limit on the Job was established.' DisplayName 'This Period mSec - Processor' DisplayName009 'This Period mSec - Processor' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' ThisPeriodmSecProcessor property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ ThisPeriodmSecUserMode propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'ThisPeriodmSecUserMode' CounterType 65792 Description 'This Period mSec - User mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of user mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since a time limit on the Job was established.' DisplayName 'This Period mSec - User Mode' DisplayName009 'This Period mSec - User Mode' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' ThisPeriodmSecUserMode property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ TotalmSecKernelMode propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'TotalmSecKernelMode' CounterType 65792 Description 'Total mSec - Kernel mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of kernel mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since the Job object was created.' DisplayName 'Total mSec - Kernel Mode' DisplayName009 'Total mSec - Kernel Mode' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' TotalmSecKernelMode property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ TotalmSecProcessor propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'TotalmSecProcessor' CounterType 65792 Description 'Total mSec - Processor shows the time, in milliseconds, of processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since the Job object was created.' DisplayName 'Total mSec - Processor' DisplayName009 'Total mSec - Processor' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' TotalmSecProcessor property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
▲ TotalmSecUserMode propertyCIMTYPE 'uint64' CookingType 'PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT' Counter 'TotalmSecUserMode' CounterType 65792 Description 'Total mSec - User mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of user mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since the Job object was created.' DisplayName 'Total mSec - User Mode' DisplayName009 'Total mSec - User Mode' HelpIndex 0 PerfIndex 0 PerfTimeFreq 'Frequency_PerfTime' PerfTimeStamp 'Timestamp_PerfTime' TotalmSecUserMode property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 1 namespace
Derived properties (9) of Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject class
▲ Name propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'The Name property defines the label by which the statistic or metric is known. When subclassed, the property can be overridden to be a Key property. ' key True MaxLen 256 read True Name property is in 1046 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 142 namespaces
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject Qualifiers Name Value ToInstance ToSubclass Overridable Amended Local
AutoCook 1 ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
AutoCook_RawClass 'Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_JobObject' ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Cooked True ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Description 'Reports the accounting and processor usage data collected by each active named Job object.' ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
DisplayName 'Job Object' ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
DisplayName009 'Job Object' ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
dynamic True ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
GenericPerfCtr True ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
HelpIndex 0 ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
HiPerf True ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Locale 1033 ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
PerfIndex 0 ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
provider 'WmiPerfInst' ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
RegistryKey 'PerfProc' ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject System properties Similar Classes to Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObject Number of classes:12
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