SoftwareLicensingService, ROOT\CIMV2
| Methods (26)
| Properties (36)
| Qualifiers (4)
| Instances (1)
| Namespaces (2)
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| Search on:Microsoft
Description This class exposes product-independent properties and methods of the Software Licensing service.
SoftwareLicensingService methods SoftwareLicensingService has 26 methods (26 Local )
SoftwareLicensingService properties SoftwareLicensingService has 36 properties (36 Local )
Detailed description of SoftwareLicensingService methods Local methods (26) of SoftwareLicensingService class ▲ AcquireGenuineTicket methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers TemplateId string 0 ✓ - {'in':True} ServerUrl string 1 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'DEPRECATED' implemented True AcquireGenuineTicket method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ClearKeyManagementServiceListeningPort methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Clears any previously specified listening port. Applies to KMS hosts only.' implemented True ClearKeyManagementServiceListeningPort method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ClearKeyManagementServiceLookupDomain methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Clears any previously configured KMS lookup domain.' implemented True ClearKeyManagementServiceLookupDomain method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ClearKeyManagementServiceMachine methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Clears any previously configured KMS host name.' implemented True ClearKeyManagementServiceMachine method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ClearKeyManagementServicePort methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Clears any previously specified port number.' implemented True ClearKeyManagementServicePort method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ClearProductKeyFromRegistry methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Clears product key from the registry.' implemented True ClearProductKeyFromRegistry method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ClearVLActivationTypeEnabled methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Clears any previously specified activation method configured for the VL client.' implemented True ClearVLActivationTypeEnabled method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ DepositActiveDirectoryOfflineActivationConfirmation methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers ProductKey string 0 ✓ - {'in':True} ConfirmationID string 1 ✓ - {'in':True} ActivationObjectName string 2 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Processes Confirmation ID for AD forest using the specified product-key to generate and then publish the Activation Object (AO) into Active Directory.' implemented True DepositActiveDirectoryOfflineActivationConfirmation method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ DisableKeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers DisablePublishing boolean 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Enable/Disable the DNS Publishing on a KMS host computer: 0=Enable, 1=Disable.' implemented True DisableKeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers DisableCaching boolean 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Enable/Disable the caching of the KMS hostname and port on a volume activation client computer: 0=Enable, 1=Disable.' implemented True DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ DoActiveDirectoryOnlineActivation methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers ProductKey string 0 ✓ - {'in':True} ActivationObjectName string 1 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Performs online activation of AD forest using the specified product-key to generate and then publish the Activation Object (AO) into Active Directory.' implemented True DoActiveDirectoryOnlineActivation method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ EnableKeyManagementServiceLowPriority methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers EnableLowPriority boolean 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Enable/Disable KMS service running with low priority: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.' implemented True EnableKeyManagementServiceLowPriority method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ GenerateActiveDirectoryOfflineActivationId methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers ProductKey string 0 ✓ - {'in':True} InstallationID string 1 - ✓ {'out':True}
description 'Generates Installation ID for AD forest activation using the specified product-key ' implemented True GenerateActiveDirectoryOfflineActivationId method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ InstallLicense methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers License string 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Installs a license.' implemented True InstallLicense method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ InstallLicensePackage methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers LicensePackage string 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Install a license package for the current product.' implemented True InstallLicensePackage method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ InstallProductKey methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers ProductKey string 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Install a product key.' Implemented True InstallProductKey method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ReArmApp methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers ApplicationId string 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Resets the licensing status of an Application.' implemented True ReArmApp method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ReArmWindows methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Resets the licensing status of the computer to OOB Grace (see LicenseStatus). Note: you must reboot the client for the changes to take effect.' implemented True ReArmWindows method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ RefreshLicenseStatus methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} description 'Updates the licensing status of Windows so that applications have access to current licensing information.' implemented True RefreshLicenseStatus method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetKeyManagementServiceListeningPort methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers PortNumber uint32 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Sets the TCP port used by a KMS host to listen for activation requests. Applies to KMS hosts only. If not specified, 1688 is used.' implemented True SetKeyManagementServiceListeningPort method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetKeyManagementServiceLookupDomain methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers LookupDomain string 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Sets the KMS lookup domain to use for volume activation.' implemented True SetKeyManagementServiceLookupDomain method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetKeyManagementServiceMachine methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers MachineName string 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Sets the KMS host name to use for volume activation.' implemented True SetKeyManagementServiceMachine method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetKeyManagementServicePort methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers PortNumber uint32 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Sets the TCP port used by a client to make requests of a KMS host. If not specified, port 1688 is used.' implemented True SetKeyManagementServicePort method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetVLActivationInterval methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers ActivationInterval uint32 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'The activation frequency, in minutes, of how often KMS-clients will contact the KMS host before they become licensed. The frequency must be greater than or equal to 15 and less than or equal to 43200. An error is returned if the method is called and the computer is not a KMS.' implemented True SetVLActivationInterval method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetVLActivationTypeEnabled methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers ActivationType uint32 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'Sets the activation method configured for the VL client.' implemented True SetVLActivationTypeEnabled method is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetVLRenewalInterval methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers RenewalInterval uint32 0 ✓ - {'in':True}
description 'The renewal frequency, in minutes, of how often KMS-clients will contact the KMS host after they have become licensed. The frequency must be greater than or equal to 15 and less than or equal to 43200. An error is returned if the method is called and the computer is not a KMS.' implemented True SetVLRenewalInterval method is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
Detailed description of SoftwareLicensingService properties Local properties (36) of SoftwareLicensingService class ▲ ClientMachineID propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'The GUID that identifies a KMS client to a KMS host. The client includes this in requests it sends to the KMS.' read True ClientMachineID property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'Last discovered KMS host IP address through DNS.' read True DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineName propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'Last discovered KMS host name through DNS.' read True DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineName property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Last discovered KMS host port through DNS.' read True DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ IsKeyManagementServiceMachine propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Indicates whether KMS is enabled on the computer: 0 if false, 1 if true.' read True values [0, 1] IsKeyManagementServiceMachine property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The count of currently active KMS clients on the KMS host. -1 indicates the computer is not enabled as a KMS, or has not received any client licensing-requests.' read True KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' description 'Indicates the DNS publishing status of a KMS host: 0=Disabled, 1=Auto publish enabled (default).' read True KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceHostCaching propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' description 'Indicates the caching status of KMS host name and port: 0=Caching disabled, 1=Caching enabled (default).' read True KeyManagementServiceHostCaching property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The count of KMS requests from clients with License Status=1 (Licensed).' read True KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceListeningPort propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The TCP port the KMS host uses to listen for activation requests.' read True KeyManagementServiceListeningPort property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'The FQDN of the resource domain containing the KMS SRV records for the org. Returns null if SetKeyManagementServiceLookupDomain has not been called.' read True KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceLowPriority propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' description 'Indicates the thread priority status of KMS service: 0=Normal Priority (default), 1=Low priority.' read True KeyManagementServiceLowPriority property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceMachine propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'The name of the KMS host. Returns null if SetKeyManagementServiceMachine has not been called.' read True KeyManagementServiceMachine property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The count of KMS requests from clients with License Status=4 (NonGenuineGrace).' read True KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The count of KMS requests from clients with License Status=5 (Notification).' read True KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The count of KMS requests from clients with License Status=2 (OOBGrace).' read True KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The count of KMS requests from clients with License Status=3 (OOTGrace).' read True KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServicePort propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The TCP port used by clients to send KMS-activation requests. Returns 0 if SetKeyManagementServicePort has not been called.' read True KeyManagementServicePort property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'KMS product key ID. Returns null if not applicable.' read True KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The total count of valid KMS requests.' read True KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The count of KMS requests from clients with License Status=0 (Unlicensed).' read True KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ OA2xBiosMarkerMinorVersion propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Minor version number of the OA2 BIOS marker.' read True OA2xBiosMarkerMinorVersion property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ OA2xBiosMarkerStatus propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Status of the OA2 BIOS marker. 0=No SLIC table, 1=SLIC table with Windows marker, 2=SLIC table without Windows marker, 3=Corrupted or invalid SLIC table' read True values [0, 1, 2, 3] OA2xBiosMarkerStatus property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ OA3xOriginalProductKey propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'Product key from the OA3 BIOS marker.' read True OA3xOriginalProductKey property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ PolicyCacheRefreshRequired propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Indicates whether the licensing policy-cache needs to be updated: 0=not required, 1=Refresh required.' read True PolicyCacheRefreshRequired property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ RemainingWindowsReArmCount propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Remaining number of times the client can be rearmed successfully.' read True RemainingWindowsReArmCount property is in 1 class (SoftwareLicensingService) of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ RequiredClientCount propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The minimum number of clients required to connect to a KMS host in order to enable volume licensing.' read True RequiredClientCount property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ TokenActivationAdditionalInfo propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'Additional information for token-based activation.' read True TokenActivationAdditionalInfo property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ TokenActivationCertificateThumbprint propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'Thumbprint of the certificate that activated the machine.' read True TokenActivationCertificateThumbprint property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ TokenActivationGrantNumber propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Grant number in the token-based activation license that activated the machine.' read True TokenActivationGrantNumber property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ TokenActivationILID propertyCIMTYPE 'string' description 'ID of the token-based activation license that activated the machine.' read True TokenActivationILID property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ TokenActivationILVID propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'Version of the token-based activation license that activated the machine.' read True TokenActivationILVID property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ VLActivationInterval propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The frequency, in minutes, of how often a client will contact the KMS host before the client is licensed.' read True VLActivationInterval property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
▲ VLRenewalInterval propertyCIMTYPE 'uint32' description 'The frequency, in minutes, of how often a client will contact the KMS host after the client is licensed.' read True VLRenewalInterval property is in 2 classes of ROOT\cimv2 and in 2 namespaces
SoftwareLicensingService Qualifiers Name Value ToInstance ToSubclass Overridable Amended Local
description 'This class exposes product-independent properties and methods of the Software Licensing service.' ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dynamic True ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
LOCALE 1033 ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
provider 'SppProvider' ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
SoftwareLicensingService System properties Name Value Origin CIMType Local Array
__PATH '\\.\ROOT\cimv2:SoftwareLicensingService' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__NAMESPACE 'ROOT\cimv2' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SERVER '.' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__RELPATH 'SoftwareLicensingService ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DYNASTY 'SoftwareLicensingService ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SUPERCLASS null ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__CLASS 'SoftwareLicensingService ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__GENUS 1 ___SYSTEM 3 ✗ ✗
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