Win32_SMBIOSMemory, ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409

Class | Childs (2) | Methods (2) | Properties (38) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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The Win32_SMBIOSMemory class represents the properties of a computer system's memory as seen through the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) interface. The SMBIOS interface does not distinguish between non-volatile, volatile, and flash memories. As such, the CIM_Memory class is the parent class of all types of memory.

Win32_SMBIOSMemory - child subclasses in ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409

Number of classes:2
Class nameChildsPropertiesMethodsClass

Win32_SMBIOSMemory methods

Win32_SMBIOSMemory has 2 methods (2 Derived)

ResetCIM_LogicalDeviceuint32 {'out':True}
SetPowerStateCIM_LogicalDeviceuint32 {'out':True}

Win32_SMBIOSMemory properties

Win32_SMBIOSMemory has 38 properties (14 Local, 24 Derived)

AccessCIM_StorageExtent18 [uint16]
AdditionalErrorDataWin32_SMBIOSMemory17 [uint8]
AvailabilityCIM_LogicalDevice18 [uint16]
BlockSizeCIM_StorageExtent21 [uint64]
CaptionCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
ConfigManagerErrorCodeCIM_LogicalDevice19 [uint32]
ConfigManagerUserConfigCIM_LogicalDevice11 [boolean]
CorrectableErrorWin32_SMBIOSMemory11 [boolean]
CreationClassNameCIM_LogicalDevice8 [string]
DescriptionCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
DeviceIDCIM_LogicalDevice8 [string]
EndingAddressWin32_SMBIOSMemory21 [uint64]
ErrorAccessWin32_SMBIOSMemory18 [uint16]
ErrorAddressWin32_SMBIOSMemory21 [uint64]
ErrorClearedCIM_LogicalDevice11 [boolean]
ErrorDataWin32_SMBIOSMemory17 [uint8]
ErrorDataOrderWin32_SMBIOSMemory18 [uint16]
ErrorDescriptionCIM_LogicalDevice8 [string]
ErrorInfoWin32_SMBIOSMemory18 [uint16]
ErrorMethodologyCIM_StorageExtent8 [string]
ErrorResolutionWin32_SMBIOSMemory21 [uint64]
ErrorTimeWin32_SMBIOSMemory101 [datetime]
ErrorTransferSizeWin32_SMBIOSMemory19 [uint32]
InstallDateCIM_ManagedSystemElement101 [datetime]
LastErrorCodeCIM_LogicalDevice19 [uint32]
NameCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
NumberOfBlocksCIM_StorageExtent21 [uint64]
OtherErrorDescriptionWin32_SMBIOSMemory8 [string]
PNPDeviceIDCIM_LogicalDevice8 [string]
PowerManagementCapabilitiesCIM_LogicalDevice18 [uint16]
PowerManagementSupportedCIM_LogicalDevice11 [boolean]
PurposeCIM_StorageExtent8 [string]
StartingAddressWin32_SMBIOSMemory21 [uint64]
StatusCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
StatusInfoCIM_LogicalDevice18 [uint16]
SystemCreationClassNameCIM_LogicalDevice8 [string]
SystemLevelAddressWin32_SMBIOSMemory11 [boolean]
SystemNameCIM_LogicalDevice8 [string]

Detailed description of Win32_SMBIOSMemory methods

Derived methods (2) of Win32_SMBIOSMemory class

Reset method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Description'Requests a reset of the logical device. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred.'
Reset method is in 104 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 19 namespaces
SetPowerState method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PowerStateuint160-{'Values':['Full Power', 'Power Save - Low Power Mode', 'Power Save - Standby', 'Power Save - Other', 'Power Cycle', 'Power Off']}
Description'SetPowerState defines the desired power state for a logical device and when a device should be put into that state. The desired power state is specified by setting the PowerState parameter to one of the following integer values: 1="Full Power", 2="Power Save - Low Power Mode", 3="Power Save - Standby", 4="Power Save - Other", 5="Power Cycle" or 6="Power Off". The Time parameter (for all state changes, except 5, "Power Cycle") indicates when the power state should be set, either as a regular date-time value or as an interval value (where the interval begins when the method invocation is received). When the PowerState parameter is equal to 5, "Power Cycle", the Time parameter indicates when the device should power on again. Power off is immediate. SetPowerState should return 0 if successful, 1 if the specified PowerState and Time request is not supported, and some other value if any other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are 'translated' may also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.'
SetPowerState method is in 105 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 14 namespaces

Detailed description of Win32_SMBIOSMemory properties

Local properties (14) of Win32_SMBIOSMemory class

AdditionalErrorData property
Description'The AdditionalErrorData property contains additional error information. An example is ECC Syndrome, or the return of the check bits if a CRC-based ErrorMethodology is used. In the latter case, if a single bit error is recognized and the CRC algorithm is known, it is possible to determine the exact bit that failed. This type of data (ECC Syndrome, Check Bit, Parity Bit data, or other vendor-supplied information) is included in this field. This property is used only when the ErrorInfo property is not equal to 3.'
AdditionalErrorData property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
CorrectableError property
Description'CorrectableError property indicates whether the most recent error was correctable. This property is not used if ErrorInfo is set to 3.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the error is correctable.'
CorrectableError property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
EndingAddress property
Description'The EndingAddress property specifies the ending address referenced by an application or operating system. This memory address is mapped by a memory controller for this memory object.'
EndingAddress property is in 19 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorAccess property
Description'The ErrorAccess property indicates the memory access operation that caused the last error. This property is valid only when ErrorInfo is not set to 3.'
Values['Other', 'Unknown', 'Read', 'Write', 'Partial Write']
ErrorAccess property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorAddress property
Description'The ErrorAddress property specifies the address of the last memory error. This property is used only when ErrorInfo is not set to 3.'
ErrorAddress property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorData property
Description'The ErrorData property contains data captured from the last memory access with an error. The data occupies the first n octets of the array necessary to hold the number of bits specified by the ErrorTransferSize property. If ErrorTransferSize is 0, then this property is not used.'
ErrorData property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorDataOrder property
Description'The ErrorDataOrder property indicates the ordering for data stored in the ErrorData property. This property is used only when ErrorTransferSize is 0.'
Values['Unknown', 'Least Significant Byte First', 'Most Significant Byte First']
ErrorDataOrder property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorInfo property
Description'The ErrorInfo property contains an integer enumeration describing the type of error that occurred most recently. The values, 12-14 are not used with this property. These values indicate whether an error is correctable but this information is found in the CorrectableError property.'
Values['Other', 'Unknown', 'OK', 'Bad Read', 'Parity Error', 'Single-Bit Error', 'Double-Bit Error', 'Multi-Bit Error', 'Nibble Error', 'Checksum Error', 'CRC Error', 'Corrected single-bit error', 'Corrected error', 'Uncorrectable error']
ErrorInfo property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorResolution property
Description'The ErrorResolution property specifies the amount of data actually determined to cause the error. This property is unused when the ErrorInfo property is set to 3.'
ErrorResolution property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorTime property
Description'The ErrorTime property contains the time that the last memory error occurred. This property is valid only when ErrorInfo is not set to 3.'
ErrorTime property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ErrorTransferSize property
Description'The ErrorTransferSize property specifies the size of the data (containing the last error) being transferred. This property is set to 0 if there is no error.'
ErrorTransferSize property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
OtherErrorDescription property
Description'The OtherErrorDescription property provides more information when the ErrorInfo property is set to 1.'
OtherErrorDescription property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
StartingAddress property
Description'The StartingAddress property specifies the beginning address referenced by an application or the operating system. This memory address is mapped by a memory controller for this memory object.'
StartingAddress property is in 21 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
SystemLevelAddress property
Description'The SystemLevelAddress property indicates whether the address information in the ErrorAddress property is a system-level address (TRUE) or a physical address (FALSE). This property is used only when ErrorInfo is not set to 3.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, ErrorAddress contains a system-level address.'
SystemLevelAddress property is in 8 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces

Derived properties (24) of Win32_SMBIOSMemory class

Access property
Description'Access describes whether the media is readable (value=1), writeable (value=2), or both (value=3). "Unknown" (0) and "Write Once" (4) can also be defined.'
Values['Unknown', 'Readable', 'Writeable', 'Read/Write Supported', 'Write Once']
Access property is in 21 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 15 namespaces
Availability property
Description'The availability and status of the device. For example, the Availability property indicates that the device is running and has full power (value=3), or is in a warning (4), test (5), degraded (10) or power save state (values 13-15 and 17). Regarding the power saving states, these are defined as follows: Value 13 ("Power Save - Unknown") indicates that the device is known to be in a power save mode, but its exact status in this mode is unknown; 14 ("Power Save - Low Power Mode") indicates that the device is in a power save state but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance; 15 ("Power Save - Standby") describes that the device is not functioning but could be brought to full power 'quickly'; and value 17 ("Power Save - Warning") indicates that the device is in a warning state, though also in a power save mode.'
Values['Other', 'Unknown', 'Running/Full Power', 'Warning', 'In Test', 'Not Applicable', 'Power Off', 'Off Line', 'Off Duty', 'Degraded', 'Not Installed', 'Install Error', 'Power Save - Unknown', 'Power Save - Low Power Mode', 'Power Save - Standby', 'Power Cycle', 'Power Save - Warning', 'Paused', 'Not Ready', 'Not Configured', 'Quiesced']
Availability property is in 107 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 12 namespaces
BlockSize property
Description'Size in bytes of the blocks which form this StorageExtent. If variable block size, then the maximum block size in bytes should be specified. If the block size is unknown or if a block concept is not valid (for example, for Aggregate Extents, Memory or LogicalDisks), enter a 1.'
BlockSize property is in 25 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 10 namespaces
Caption property
Description'The Caption property is a short textual description (one-line string) of the object.'
Caption property is in 273 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 37 namespaces
ConfigManagerErrorCode property
Description'Indicates the Win32 Configuration Manager error code. The following values may be returned:
0 This device is working properly.
1 This device is not configured correctly.
2 Windows cannot load the driver for this device.
3 The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources.
4 This device is not working properly. One of its drivers or your registry might be corrupted.
5 The driver for this device needs a resource that Windows cannot manage.
6 The boot configuration for this device conflicts with other devices.
7 Cannot filter.
8 The driver loader for the device is missing.
9 This device is not working properly because the controlling firmware is reporting the resources for the device incorrectly.
10 This device cannot start.
11 This device failed.
12 This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use.
13 Windows cannot verify this device's resources.
14 This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer.
15 This device is not working properly because there is probably a re-enumeration problem.
16 Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses.
17 This device is asking for an unknown resource type.
18 Reinstall the drivers for this device.
19 Your registry might be corrupted.
20 Failure using the VxD loader.
21 System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that does not work, see your hardware documentation. Windows is removing this device.
22 This device is disabled.
23 System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that doesn't work, see your hardware documentation.
24 This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed.
25 Windows is still setting up this device.
26 Windows is still setting up this device.
27 This device does not have valid log configuration.
28 The drivers for this device are not installed.
29 This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.
30 This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) resource that another device is using.
31 This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device.'
Values['This device is working properly.', 'This device is not configured correctly.', 'Windows cannot load the driver for this device.', 'The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources.', 'This device is not working properly. One of its drivers or your registry might be corrupted.', 'The driver for this device needs a resource that Windows cannot manage.', 'The boot configuration for this device conflicts with other devices.', 'Cannot filter.', 'The driver loader for the device is missing.', 'This device is not working properly because the controlling firmware is reporting the resources for the device incorrectly.', 'This device cannot start.', 'This device failed.', 'This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use.', 'Windows cannot verify this device's resources.', 'This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer.', 'This device is not working properly because there is probably a re-enumeration problem.', 'Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses.', 'This device is asking for an unknown resource type.', 'Reinstall the drivers for this device.', 'Failure using the VxD loader.', 'Your registry might be corrupted.', 'System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that does not work, see your hardware documentation. Windows is removing this device.', 'This device is disabled.', 'System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that doesn't work, see your hardware documentation.', 'This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed.', 'Windows is still setting up this device.', 'Windows is still setting up this device.', 'This device does not have valid log configuration.', 'The drivers for this device are not installed.', 'This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.', 'This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) resource that another device is using.', 'This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device.']
ConfigManagerErrorCode property is in 103 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ConfigManagerUserConfig property
Description'Indicates whether the device is using a user-defined configuration.'
ConfigManagerUserConfig property is in 103 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
CreationClassName property
Description'CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.'
CreationClassName property is in 175 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 20 namespaces
Description property
Description'The Description property provides a textual description of the object. '
Description property is in 329 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
DeviceID property
Description'DeviceID is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the logical device.'
DeviceID property is in 106 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 21 namespaces
ErrorCleared property
Description'ErrorCleared is a boolean property indicating that the error reported in LastErrorCode property is now cleared.'
ErrorCleared property is in 103 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 12 namespaces
ErrorDescription property
Description'ErrorDescription is a free-form string supplying more information about the error recorded in LastErrorCode property, and information on any corrective actions that may be taken.'
ErrorDescription property is in 105 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
ErrorMethodology property
Description'The ErrorMethodology property specifies the types of error checking used by the memory hardware.'
Values['Other', 'Unknown', 'None', 'Parity', 'Single-bit ECC', 'Multi-bit ECC', 'CRC']
ErrorMethodology property is in 32 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
InstallDate property
Description'The InstallDate property is datetime value indicating when the object was installed. A lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.'
InstallDate property is in 223 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 23 namespaces
LastErrorCode property
Description'LastErrorCode captures the last error code reported by the logical device.'
LastErrorCode property is in 103 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 16 namespaces
Name property
Description'The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.'
Name property is in 306 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
NumberOfBlocks property
Description'Total number of consecutive blocks, each block the size of the value contained in the BlockSize property, which form this storage extent. Total size of the storage extent can be calculated by multiplying the value of the BlockSize property by the value of this property. If the value of BlockSize is 1, this property is the total size of the storage extent.'
NumberOfBlocks property is in 21 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 5 namespaces
PNPDeviceID property
Description'Indicates the Win32 Plug and Play device ID of the logical device. Example: *PNP030b'
PNPDeviceID property is in 103 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces
PowerManagementCapabilities property
Description'Indicates the specific power-related capabilities of the logical device. The array values, 0="Unknown", 1="Not Supported" and 2="Disabled" are self-explanatory. The value, 3="Enabled" indicates that the power management features are currently enabled but the exact feature set is unknown or the information is unavailable. "Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically" (4) describes that a device can change its power state based on usage or other criteria. "Power State Settable" (5) indicates that the SetPowerState method is supported. "Power Cycling Supported" (6) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 ("Power Cycle"). "Timed Power On Supported" (7) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 ("Power Cycle") and the Time parameter set to a specific date and time, or interval, for power-on.'
Values['Unknown', 'Not Supported', 'Disabled', 'Enabled', 'Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically', 'Power State Settable', 'Power Cycling Supported', 'Timed Power On Supported']
PowerManagementCapabilities property is in 105 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 14 namespaces
PowerManagementSupported property
Description'Boolean indicating that the Device can be power managed - ie, put into a power save state. This boolean does not indicate that power management features are currently enabled, or if enabled, what features are supported. Refer to the PowerManagementCapabilities array for this information. If this boolean is false, the integer value 1, for the string, "Not Supported", should be the only entry in the PowerManagementCapabilities array.'
PowerManagementSupported property is in 105 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 14 namespaces
Purpose property
Description'A free form string describing the media and/or its use.'
Purpose property is in 23 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces
Status property
Description'The Status property is a string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses can be defined. Operational statuses are "OK", "Degraded" and "Pred Fail". "Pred Fail" indicates that an element may be functioning properly but predicting a failure in the near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard drive. Non-operational statuses can also be specified. These are "Error", "Starting", "Stopping" and "Service". The latter, "Service", could apply during mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is on-line, yet the managed element is neither "OK" nor in one of the other states.'
Values['OK', 'Error', 'Degraded', 'Unknown', 'Pred Fail', 'Starting', 'Stopping', 'Service', 'Stressed', 'NonRecover', 'No Contact', 'Lost Comm']
Status property is in 225 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 42 namespaces
StatusInfo property
Description'StatusInfo is a string indicating whether the logical device is in an enabled (value = 3), disabled (value = 4) or some other (1) or unknown (2) state. If this property does not apply to the logical device, the value, 5 ("Not Applicable"), should be used.'
Values['Other', 'Unknown', 'Enabled', 'Disabled', 'Not Applicable']
StatusInfo property is in 103 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 12 namespaces
SystemCreationClassName property
Description'The scoping System's CreationClassName.'
SystemCreationClassName property is in 119 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 20 namespaces
SystemName property
Description'The scoping System's Name.'
SystemName property is in 119 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 22 namespaces

Win32_SMBIOSMemory Qualifiers

Description'The Win32_SMBIOSMemory class represents the properties of a computer system's memory as seen through the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) interface. The SMBIOS interface does not distinguish between non-volatile, volatile, and flash memories. As such, the CIM_Memory class is the parent class of all types of memory.'

Win32_SMBIOSMemory System properties

__DERIVATION['CIM_StorageExtent', 'CIM_LogicalDevice', 'CIM_LogicalElement', 'CIM_ManagedSystemElement']___SYSTEM8
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