Win32_ShadowCopy, ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409

Class | Methods (2) | Properties (28) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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The Win32_ShadowCopy class is a storage extent that represents a duplicate copy of the original volume at some previous time.

Win32_ShadowCopy methods

Win32_ShadowCopy has 2 methods (2 Local)

CreateWin32_ShadowCopyuint32 {'out':True}
RevertWin32_ShadowCopyuint32 {'out':True}

Win32_ShadowCopy properties

Win32_ShadowCopy has 28 properties (23 Local, 5 Derived)

CaptionCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
ClientAccessibleWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
CountWin32_ShadowCopy19 [uint32]
DescriptionCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
DeviceObjectWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
DifferentialWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
ExposedLocallyWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
ExposedNameWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
ExposedPathWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
ExposedRemotelyWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
HardwareAssistedWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
Win32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
ImportedWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
InstallDateCIM_ManagedSystemElement101 [datetime]
NameCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
NoAutoReleaseWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
NotSurfacedWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
NoWritersWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
OriginatingMachineWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
PersistentWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
PlexWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
ProviderIDWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
ServiceMachineWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
SetIDWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]
StateWin32_ShadowCopy19 [uint32]
StatusCIM_ManagedSystemElement8 [string]
TransportableWin32_ShadowCopy11 [boolean]
VolumeNameWin32_ShadowCopy8 [string]

Detailed description of Win32_ShadowCopy methods

Local methods (2) of Win32_ShadowCopy class

Create method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Volumestring0-{'Description':'This parameter is the volume that is used for the shadow copy. This volume is sometimes referred to as the 'original' volume. This parameter can be specified as a volume drive letter, mount point or volume GUID name.','in':True}
Contextstring1-{'Description':'This parameter is the context that the provider will use when creating the shadow.','in':True}
Description'Creates a shadow copy using the specified context.'
Values['Success', 'Access denied', 'Invalid argument', 'Specified volume not found', 'Specified volume not supported', 'Unsupported shadow copy context', 'Insufficient storage', 'Volume is in use', 'Maximum number of shadow copies reached', 'Another shadow copy operation is already in progress', 'Shadow copy provider vetoed the operation', 'Shadow copy provider not registered', 'Shadow copy provider failure', 'Unknown error']
Create method is in 9 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 14 namespaces
Revert method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ForceDismountboolean0-{'Description':'This parameter is used to force the original volume to dismount before starting the revert operation. Forcing a volume to dismount forces all open handles to files on the volume to be closed. Applications holding open handles will likely be returned an error code on subsequent operations performed on the handles. If the flag is set to false and some application has an open handle to a file on the volume, then revert will fail with 'Volume is in use'.','in':True}
Description'Reverts the original storage volume to this shadow copy. After Revert is done, the original volume will be identical to this shadow copy and every newer shadow copy will be deleted. You cannot cancel or undo the revert operation - any data written to the original volume after the shadow copy was created will be lost!'
Values['Success', 'Access denied', 'Invalid argument', 'Specified volume not supported', 'Volume is in use', 'Another shadow copy operation is already in progress', 'Shadow copy provider vetoed the operation', 'Shadow copy provider not registered', 'Shadow copy provider failure', 'Unknown error']
Revert method is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

Detailed description of Win32_ShadowCopy properties

Local properties (23) of Win32_ShadowCopy class

ClientAccessible property
Description'The ClientAccessible property is indicates whether the shadow copy was created by the Windows Previous Versions component.'
DisplayName'Client Accessible'
ClientAccessible property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Count property
Description'The Count property is the number of shadow copies in the shadow copy set to which this shadow copy belongs.'
Count property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
DeviceObject property
Description'The DeviceObject property is the Windows object manager name of the underlying storage device that supports the original volume.'
DisplayName'Device Object'
DeviceObject property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
Differential property
Description'The Differential property indicates whether the shadow copy was created by a differential shadow copy provider. The provider can be implemented in hardware or software.'
Differential property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ExposedLocally property
Description'The ExposedLocally property indicates whether the shadow copy is exposed on the local machine with a drive letter or mount point. If this flag and the ExposedRemotely flag is not set, the shadow copy is hidden.'
DisplayName'Exposed Locally'
ExposedLocally property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ExposedName property
Description'The ExposedName property is the file system name of the shadow copy when it is exposed. This property might contain a drive letter or mount point. This property is NULL when the shadow copy is hidden or otherwise not exposed.'
DisplayName'Exposed Name'
ExposedName property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ExposedPath property
Description'The ExposedPath property is the file system path of the shadow copy when it is exposed. This property is NULL when the shadow copy is hidden or otherwise unexposed.'
DisplayName'Exposed Path'
ExposedPath property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ExposedRemotely property
Description'The ExposedRemotely property indicates whether the shadow copy is exposed on a remote machine with a network share. If this flag and the ExposedLocally flag is not set, the shadow copy is hidden.'
DisplayName'Exposed Remotely'
ExposedRemotely property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
HardwareAssisted property
Description'The HardwareAssisted property indicates whether the shadow copy was created by a hardware shadow copy provider.'
DisplayName'Hardware Assisted'
HardwareAssisted property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ID property
Description'The ID property uniquely identifies the shadow copy on the system.'
ID property is in 9 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 33 namespaces
Imported property
Description'The Imported property indicates whether the shadow copy was imported onto this machine using the Import method rather than created using the ShadowCopy create method.'
Imported property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
NoAutoRelease property
Description'The NoAutoRelease property indicates whether the shadow copy is automatically deleted when the shadow copy requestor process ends. If this property is TRUE, the shadow copy is retained after the requestor process ends.'
DisplayName'No Auto Release'
NoAutoRelease property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
NotSurfaced property
Description'The shadow copy is not currently in the device namespace of the local machine.'
DisplayName'Not Surfaced'
NotSurfaced property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
NoWriters property
Description'The NoWriters property indicates whether the shadow copy was created with the involvement of shadow copy writer components.'
DisplayName'No Writers'
NoWriters property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
OriginatingMachine property
Description'The OriginatingMachine property identifies the machine hosting the original volume.'
DisplayName'Originating Machine'
OriginatingMachine property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Persistent property
Description'The Persistent property indicates whether the shadow copy is persistent across reboots.'
Persistent property is in 3 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
Plex property
Description'The Plex property indicates whether the shadow copy was created by a split mirror shadow copy provider. The provider can be implemented in hardware or software.'
Plex property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ProviderID property
Description'The ProviderID uniquely identifies the shadow provider that created the shadow.'
DisplayName'Provider ID'
ProviderID property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ServiceMachine property
Description'The ServiceMachine property identifies the machine currently servicing the shadow copy.'
DisplayName'Service Machine'
ServiceMachine property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
SetID property
Description'The SetID uniquely identifies the shadow copy set to which the shadow belongs.'
DisplayName'Shadow Set ID'
SetID property is in 1 class (Win32_ShadowCopy) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
State property
Description'The State property describes the current state of the shadow copy'
Values['Unknown', 'Preparing', 'ProcessingPrepare', 'Prepared', 'ProcessingPrecommit', 'Precommitted', 'ProcessingCommit', 'Committed', 'ProcessingPostcommit', 'Created', 'Aborted', 'Deleted', 'Count']
State property is in 9 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 36 namespaces
Transportable property
Description'The Transportable property indicates whether the shadow copy can be surfaced on another machine. If this property is FALSE and the volumes are surfaced locally, it may not be possible to surface them later on a different machine.'
Transportable property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
VolumeName property
Description'The VolumeName property identifies the original volume for which the shadow copy was taken.'
VolumeName property is in 5 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces

Derived properties (5) of Win32_ShadowCopy class

Caption property
Description'The Caption property is a short textual description (one-line string) of the object.'
Caption property is in 273 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 37 namespaces
Description property
Description'The Description property provides a textual description of the object. '
Description property is in 329 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
InstallDate property
Description'The InstallDate property is datetime value indicating when the object was installed. A lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.'
InstallDate property is in 223 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 23 namespaces
Name property
Description'The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.'
Name property is in 306 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
Status property
Description'The Status property is a string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses can be defined. Operational statuses are "OK", "Degraded" and "Pred Fail". "Pred Fail" indicates that an element may be functioning properly but predicting a failure in the near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard drive. Non-operational statuses can also be specified. These are "Error", "Starting", "Stopping" and "Service". The latter, "Service", could apply during mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is on-line, yet the managed element is neither "OK" nor in one of the other states.'
Values['OK', 'Error', 'Degraded', 'Unknown', 'Pred Fail', 'Starting', 'Stopping', 'Service', 'Stressed', 'NonRecover', 'No Contact', 'Lost Comm']
Status property is in 225 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 42 namespaces

Win32_ShadowCopy Qualifiers

Description'The Win32_ShadowCopy class is a storage extent that represents a duplicate copy of the original volume at some previous time.'

Win32_ShadowCopy System properties

__DERIVATION['CIM_LogicalElement', 'CIM_ManagedSystemElement']___SYSTEM8

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