'The ConnectionlessService property indicates whether the protocol supports connectionless service. A connectionless (datagram) service describes a communications protocol or transport in which data packets are routed independently of each other and may follow different routes and arrive in a different order from that in which they were sent. Conversely, a connection-oriented service provides a virtual circuit through which data packets are received in the same order they were transmitted. If the connection between machines fails, the application is notified. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol uses aconnectionless service.'
ConnectionlessService property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The GuaranteesDelivery property indicates whether the protocol guarantees that all data sent will reach the intended destination. If this flag is FALSE, there is no such guarantee. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports guaranteed delivery of data packets.'
GuaranteesDelivery property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The GuaranteesSequencing property indicates whether the protocol guarantees that data will arrive in the order in which it was sent. Note that this characteristic does not guarantee delivery of the data, only its order. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the order of data sent is guaranteed.'
GuaranteesSequencing property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The MaximumAddressSize property indicates the maximum length of a socket address supported by the protocol. Socket addresses may be items like URLs (www.microsoft.com) or IP addresses ('
MaximumAddressSize property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The MaximumMessageSize property indicates the maximum message size supported by the protocol. This is the maximum size of a message that can be sent from or received by the host. For protocols that do not support message framing, the actual maximum size of a message that can be sent to a given address may be less than this value. There are two special values defined for this property: 0 - The protocol is stream-oriented; the concept of message size is not relevant. 1 - The maximum outbound (send) message size is dependent on the underlying network MTU (maximum sized transmission unit) and hence cannot be known until after a socket is bound. Applications should use getsockopt to retrieve the value of SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE after the socket has been bound to a local address. 0xFFFFFFFF - There is no specified maximum message size defined. '
MaximumMessageSize property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The MessageOriented property indicates whether the protocol is message-oriented. A message-oriented protocol uses packets of data to transfer information. Conversely, stream-oriented protocols transfer data as a continuous stream of bytes. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol is message oriented.'
MessageOriented property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The PseudoStreamOriented property indicates whether the protocol is a message-oriented protocol that can receive variable-length data packets or streamed data for all receive operations. This optional capability is useful when an application does not want the protocol to frame messages, and requires stream-oriented characteristics. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol is pseudo stream-oriented.'
PseudoStreamOriented property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsBroadcasting property indicates whether the protocol supports a mechanism for broadcasting messages across the network. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports broadcasting.'
SupportsBroadcasting property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsConnectData property indicates whether the protocol allows data to be connected across the network. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol allows data to be connected.'
SupportsConnectData property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsDisconnectData property indicates whether the protocol allows data to be disconnected across the network. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol allows data to be disconnected.'
SupportsDisconnectData property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsEncryption property indicates whether the protocol supports data encryption. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports data encryption.'
SupportsEncryption property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsExpeditedData property indicates whether the protocol supports expedited data (also known as urgent data) across the network. Expedited data can bypass flow control and receive priority over normal data packets. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports expedited data.'
SupportsExpeditedData property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsFragmentation property indicates whether the protocol supports transmitting the data in fragments. Physical network Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) is hidden from applications. Each media type has a maximum frame size that cannot be exceeded. The link layer is responsible for discovering the MTU and reporting it to the protocols being used. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports transmitting the data in fragments.'
SupportsFragmentation property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsGracefulClosing property indicates whether the protocol supports two-phase close operations - also known as graceful close operations. If not, the protocol supports only abortive close operations. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports graceful closing of network connections.'
SupportsGracefulClosing property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsGuaranteedBandwidth property indicates whether the protocol has a mechanism to establish and maintain a guaranteed bandwidth. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports a guaranteed bandwidth.'
SupportsGuaranteedBandwidth property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsMulticasting property indicates whether the protocol supports multicasting. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports multicasting.'
SupportsMulticasting property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The SupportsQualityofService property indicates whether the protocol is capable of Quality of Service (QOS) support via the underlying layered service provider or transport carrier. QOS is a collection of components that enable differentiation and preferential treatment for subsets of data transmitted over the network. QOS loosely means subsets of data get higher priority or guaranteed service when traversing a network. Values:TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the protocol supports QOS.'
SupportsQualityofService property is in 1 class (Win32_NetworkProtocol) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Derived properties (5) of Win32_NetworkProtocol class
'The InstallDate property is datetime value indicating when the object was installed. A lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.'
'The Status property is a string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses can be defined. Operational statuses are "OK", "Degraded" and "Pred Fail". "Pred Fail" indicates that an element may be functioning properly but predicting a failure in the near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard drive. Non-operational statuses can also be specified. These are "Error", "Starting", "Stopping" and "Service". The latter, "Service", could apply during mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is on-line, yet the managed element is neither "OK" nor in one of the other states.'